5. Testing the performance of VOPy

This notebook contains a comparison of VOPy implementations and of naive implementations of confidence region operation that checks domination and Pareto set calculation.

import time

import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from vopy.utils import (
from vopy.order import ConeTheta2DOrder
from vopy.confidence_region import (


Create an Order object to do the comparisions with. We can visualize it’s cone.

order = ConeTheta2DOrder(cone_degree=135)
fig_cone = order.ordering_cone.plot()

Check dominates performance

Following define utilities for generating random rectangles and visualizing them. We can see the visualization of two random rectangles below.

def order_vertices_clockwise(vertices):
    # Sort the vertices in clockwise order.
    center = np.mean(vertices, axis=0)
    angles = np.arctan2(vertices[:, 1] - center[1], vertices[:, 0] - center[0])
    return vertices[np.argsort(angles)]

def plot_rectangle(vertices, ax, label):
    len_vert = len(vertices)

    # Plot the points.
    ax.scatter(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], label=label)

    # Plot the edges of the rectangle by connecting the vertices.
    for i in range(len_vert):
        ax.plot(vertices[[i, (i+1)%len_vert], 0], vertices[[i, (i+1)%len_vert], 1], 'k-')

def visualize_comparison(rect1, rect2):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))

    # Plot each polytope with a different label
    rects = [rect1, rect2]
    labels = [r"$x$", r"$x'$"]
    for rect, label in zip(rects, labels):
        vertices = hyperrectangle_get_vertices(rect.lower, rect.upper)
        vertices = order_vertices_clockwise(vertices)  # Order the vertices in clockwise order.
        plot_rectangle(vertices, ax, label)

    ax.set_xlabel(r'$y_1$ Axis')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$y_2$ Axis')

def generate_rectangle():
    dim = 2
    center = 3 * np.random.randn(dim)
    size = 4 * np.random.rand(dim) + 1e-2
    lower = center - size
    upper = center + size
    return RectangularConfidenceRegion(dim, lower, upper)
x = generate_rectangle()
x_prime = generate_rectangle()

visualize_comparison(x, x_prime)

Define the check dominates function to check if the first rectangle dominates the second one, using the definition in Korkmaz et al. 2024 to formulate convex optimization problem. Efficient VOPy implementation is in vopy.confidence_region.RectangularConfidenceRegion.check_dominates.

def check_dominates_naive(order, rect1, rect2, slackness=0):
    vertices = hyperrectangle_get_vertices(rect1.lower, rect1.upper)
    obj2_matrix, obj2_boundary = hyperrectangle_get_region_matrix(rect2.lower, rect2.upper)

    m = order.ordering_cone.W.shape[1]

    for vertex in vertices:
        x = cp.Variable(m)
        y = cp.Variable(m)
        prob = cp.Problem(
                x + y == vertex,
                obj2_matrix @ x >= obj2_boundary,
                order.ordering_cone.W @ y >= 0,
        except cp.error.SolverError:

        if prob.status == "infeasible":
            return False

    return True

Compare computation time of this with native VOPy implementation.

iter_cnt = 5000
rects = [[generate_rectangle(), generate_rectangle()] for _ in range(iter_cnt)]

vopy_start = time.time()
for i, (x, x_prime) in enumerate(rects):
    confidence_region_check_dominates(order, x, x_prime)
vopy_time = time.time() - vopy_start

naive_start = time.time()
for i, (x, x_prime) in enumerate(rects):
    naive_result = check_dominates_naive(order, x, x_prime)
naive_time = time.time() - naive_start

print(f"VOPy time: {vopy_time}, Naive time: {naive_time}")

for i, (x, x_prime) in enumerate(rects):
    vopy_result = confidence_region_check_dominates(order, x, x_prime)
    naive_result = check_dominates_naive(order, x, x_prime)
    if vopy_result != naive_result:
        print(f"VOPy: {vopy_result}, Naive: {naive_result}")
        visualize_comparison(x, x_prime)
VOPy time: 0.0898141860961914, Naive time: 17.23957848548889

Pareto set calculation performance

Let’s now look at the Pareto set calculation performance w.r.t. the cardinality of the domain. Naive implementation with for-loops is already present in the Order class.

vopy_times = []
naive_times = []

pts_all = np.random.randn(10000, 2)
pt_cnts = np.linspace(100, 10000, 25, dtype=int)
for pt_cnt in pt_cnts:
    pts = pts_all[:pt_cnt]

    vopy_start = time.time()
    p_set_vopy = order.get_pareto_set(pts)
    vopy_time = time.time() - vopy_start

    naive_start = time.time()
    p_set_naive = order.get_pareto_set_naive(pts)
    naive_time = time.time() - naive_start


    assert set(sorted(p_set_vopy)) == set(sorted(p_set_naive))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
ax.plot(pt_cnts, vopy_times, c='tab:blue', label='VOPy')
ax.plot(pt_cnts, naive_times, c='tab:red', label='Naive')
ax.set_xlabel(r'$\vert \mathcal{X} \vert$')
ax.set_ylabel('Time (s)')