3. Black-box Vector Optimization Using Naive Elimination
This notebook contains a basic vector optimization example with Naive Elimination algorithm.
from copy import deepcopy
from vopy.utils import set_seed
from vopy.order import ConeTheta2DOrder
from vopy.algorithms import NaiveElimination
from vopy.datasets import get_dataset_instance
from vopy.utils.evaluate import calculate_epsilonF1_score
Create an Order
object and visualize it’s cone.
order = ConeTheta2DOrder(cone_degree=120)
fig_cone = order.ordering_cone.plot()

Define an instance of Disc Brake dataset and visualize the Pareto front.
dataset_name = "DiscBrake"
dataset = get_dataset_instance(dataset_name)
fig_pareto = order.plot_pareto_set(dataset.out_data)

Run the most basic vector optimization algorithm Naive Elimination
and calculate its accuracy.
epsilon = 0.01
delta = 0.05
noise_var = epsilon
algorithm = NaiveElimination(
epsilon=epsilon, delta=delta,
dataset_name=dataset_name, order=order, noise_var=noise_var, L=10
while True:
is_done = algorithm.run_one_step()
if is_done:
pred_pareto_indices = sorted(list(algorithm.P))
print(f"Found Pareto front indices are: {str(pred_pareto_indices)}")
pareto_indices = order.get_pareto_set(dataset.out_data)
print(f" True Pareto front indices are: {str(list(pareto_indices))}")
eps_f1 = calculate_epsilonF1_score(
dataset, order, pareto_indices, pred_pareto_indices, epsilon
print(f"epsilon-F1 Score: {eps_f1:.2f}")
Found Pareto front indices are: [25, 62, 78, 118, 126]
True Pareto front indices are: [25, 62, 118, 126]
epsilon-F1 Score: 1.00
Emphasize predicted Pareto solutions over the Pareto front figure.
tmp_pareto_fig = deepcopy(fig_pareto)
dataset.out_data[pred_pareto_indices][:, 0],
dataset.out_data[pred_pareto_indices][:, 1],
c="tab:red", label="Predicted Pareto", alpha=0.5, marker="^"